If you have reason to believe your information has been compromised it is vital to take action. Not taking action can result in your bank accounts and investment accounts being wiped out, Identity thieves can also take out loans in your name and ruin you financially.
The answer is now. Time is of the essence. You will want to put protection in place as soon as possible. You don't want to wait and allow the criminals the opportunity to wipe out your bank accounts and savings accounts.
A credit freeze is good, but it only provides very limited protection. Years ago you would simply freeze your credit. But in recent years identity thieves have become much more sophisticated and a credit freeze no longer provides sufficient protection. There are many types of fraud that a freeze does not protect you against.
Credit monitoring is good. The problem is it only notifies you after fraud has happened. It does not stop it from happening and does not provide a way to clean up the damage or remove it from your record.
Our Protect Your Identity Plan privides more complete identity theft protection
We want all of your reports to be clean, accurate, up to date, secured and monitored. This way you can go back to living your life, confident that you are protected. Let the system monitor your credit so you don’t have to.
Since identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America, we see it as a one-time investment for a lifetime of security.
With our progran there is only a one-time fee for a lifetime of protection. You can do the math as well as I can. On average they charge $24.99 to $29.99 every month. Since you will need to keep your protection in force for the rest of your life that can become very expensive.
Since not all of our customers have a computer or access to the internet we send you a program welcome package in the mail with an overview of the plan along with specific forms and documents which may be used to address your issues.
The online option puts all of the features and benefits at your finger tips
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